Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i woke up todae turning a year older... 17 is no longer consider to be a kid... ive always love sunrises cuz it reminds me of a new start to everytink that occurs in life...met Tay Hui Wen at Dhoby Ghaut and headed to P.S to have lunch... its kind of sweet fer her to actuali spent my birthday together... niwae had Mac for lunch and did alot of toking as in all those food stuff and sumtink which relates to life... din reali had the tym to hangout with her as ive got other plans... niwae went into the arcade and played a spot the difference game with her... it was fun though... soon after had to headed back to woodlands... going on a train ride alone us to mek me feel empty but now i realised dat its better sumtyms so dat i could realy reflect on myself...
this is Tay Hui Wen 
this was a little sumtink given to me by her... she says dat its not considered to be a birtday gift... she hav sumtink else in mind... niwae appreciate the idea... 
a group foto of me and those wild and crazy peeps together with some of the AJ KREW... 
wo de pengyou -Shafiq Helina Dhaifina Atikah Yusra the birthday homies... look wat they did to us as a mark of sabo... i love those guys... Fahim(M) and i
this whole celebration could have been succesful without these peeps... gratitudes to them... cheers Shafiq- a person who always irritates people around him... laughter generator is wat i would describe him as... Dhaifina- a person who believes every word dat i say and always gets fooled by me... one of the most caring person dat i ever came across... a problem listener and solver... Helina- a person which could be unoredictable at tyms... frustration overcomes her at tyms... she always tries her best to be noticed and a sincere individual... kacang walnut... Atikah- she calls me abang tersayang... always disturbs me whenever she gets bored and her trademark phrase... "skarang dah tk lagi" these are the gifts tat i received on my birthdae... namely a watch a chocolate box with chocolate in it... duh!! a card with sincere notes in it and they actuali crown me and i felt like a prince fer a day... thanks guys it means so much to me...
A Recollection Of Memories...
Chapters Of Me
Thoughts Conveyed
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