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on the verge of falling

we're falling apart,
i wish i could save you,
but you kept everything to yourself,
you know that i tried to make things right,
but it all never seems to work out,
we're on the verge of falling down.

Friday, March 21, 2008
97% fun 3% cramp

97% aLFoRMoSi
well todae was more of an 'up' dae fer me compared to the dae before... met FIRZA together with HYRUDE to hav my psp down grade cuz the one that i upgraded couldnt support... did dat and off to MARSILING ...met up with my krew and train-ed over to DHOBY GHAUT to the jamming studio lacted beside the HOTEL RENDEVOUS... well 18 bucks fer dat studio surrounding was considered money well spent... werk on our pieces fer tis sundae's face off... did well fer chapter four and for fiona i guess... reali need to look into small details fer almost easy...
walked to PLAZA SINGAPURA to hav LJS fer late lunch... train-ed to MARINA BAY to meet FINA from werk before headed back home...
so here i am now...

A Recollection Of Memories...

Chapters Of Me Thoughts Conveyed Affliates