Tuesday, November 18, 2008
hyrude benson tagged me to do this
Rule1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.Rule2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. Those people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending to other people.
1. What is your CCA?
Jammerz Arena
2. Would you fall in love with a girl older than you?
i guess so cuz isngt love blind
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
it depends on which day and which facilitator comes in...
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
quit skool and maybe set up my own studio, DVR custom 5 piece drumkit...
5. Would you fall in love with your bestfriend?well i wouldnt say its a NO NO...
6. What hurts the most?a rejected love
7. Would you dare confess to the one you love?yes i do but not verbally... through expressions and lyrics
8. If the person you like secretly is attached, what would you do?
that was it a few months back... hope that she is happy
9. Is there anything that have made you extremely happy?cant think of anything at the moment... most of the time im contented
10. What makes you angry?being labeled or kept in the dark
11. What do i want to do after diploma?prolly university if i have the chance
12. What do you call your parents?
mum and dad
13. What is the most important thing in your life?
people i have around me... thats important
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?well that have to depends on who im with... love and money is never on the same level.
15. What's your all time favourites?avenged sevenfold, James Owen Sullivan(The Rev)
16. Would you give all in a relationship?getting into one is hard so it only makes sense i'll give it all...
17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?i would rather love one than to lose both... so i would love one
18. Would you forgive & forget a horrible thing that someone has done?well it depends on who and what the person did... but most of the time, im a forgivable person
19. What do you want to tell the person you hate?i would say nothing cuz there is no point at all
20. What type of person will you fall in love with?the person who makes me understand myself more and that she loves me for who i am
A Recollection Of Memories...